Getting The Right Pilot Study Equipment

By Daniel Peterson

Human beings like to believe that they are in control of the world. They are right to do so. After all, there is no greater reason to believe in something that for that thing being believed in to be nothing short of an objective reality. No other species in the known history of the planet has been able to affect changes in its environment on the same scale that humanity has been able to. However, there are limits to that control. There are things in life that just do not lend themselves well to being manipulated by human hands. But humankind is stubborn to a fault, so it will bend the uncontrollable to its will. For the most part, the species is pretty successful at this. If they are not, then they find a workaround. Now, a lot of this discovery gets done by experimenting using pilot study equipment.

A pilot study is very similar to an experiment. Except that its purpose is not find some grand scientific conclusion or confirm some theory. No, its purpose is to work out the kinks in the system. In effect, it is a dress rehearsal for the real thing.

This is because the purpose of a pilot study is not to find some hitherto unknown knowledge. But rather, to smooth out the edges. In short, it is a rehearsal before the curtains are supposed to go up. Mistakes can be made during this phase so as not to be made when the actual experimentation begins.

The fact of the matter is that the equipment needed will vary based on the needs of the various experiments. Specialized lab gear might also be needed for the natural sciences. But for the most part, there will have to be computers to record and monitor data. Not to mention software to run those computers. The thing is that there really is no concrete guideline for what kind of tools should and should not be used. In fact, a study can be done with a pen and paper.

However, what should be constant are the scientists themselves. They are the driving force behind any experimentation. They are the ones who are ultimately going to be responsible if things go wrong and if things go right.

In some cases, gear should be too difficult to come by. Things like computers and tablets are widely available, as pens and pads of paper. But there will be some stuff that may be a little bit harder to get hands on, such as machines that read and sequence DNA and all that other stuff.

During a pilot experiment, the things that are done are fairly similar to what is done during the actual experimentation. Just smaller. They record information, present their results and then build on those results as per the scientific method.

They are needed for one simple reason. A lot of time and money goes into research. Sometimes, the methods which a team will come up with will simply not be feasible. So they need to practice first.

Trial and error. That has been the way of people for centuries. That is unlikely to change now. After all, one must crawl before they can walk.

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