Should You Wish To See Some Awesome Living Walls Stamford Is The Place To Go

By James Roberts

If you live in Stamford Connecticut you have most likely noticed the latest craze that has swept the city. The key here lies in the development of the living walls Stamford feature. Many corporate companies have taken to the development of living walls to help create a unique and creative look for their premises, creating a 'wow factor' for any visitor that steps into their property.

Some have sought to create the feel by using live creepers to cover wall spaces although this is not the technique that is most often used. The correct and most creative way to do this is to in fact have the plants rooted and growing out of the actual wall material itself. This is most commonly done by attaching a layer of sponge like material to the actual wall in which the plants can take root and then grow.

Ensuring the that wall is strong and secure is one of the most vital steps in creating these features. Without using all of the necessary and proper support structures the plants that are often quite dense can actually pull the wall apart. For this reason the entire wall is secured by using a frame system that is made our of aluminum and very strong wire.

Many different types of plants can be planted into such a feature wall. Most of these walls are made by planting short shrubbery and ground cover so that the artwork that can be created is clearer to be seen. Some designers have even used fairly large trees as part of their designs which have created quite an amazing feature.

The ultimate goal of this craft is to create an amazing piece of public artwork. While some have been innovative by using vertical gardens to create company logos that make their premises stand out from the rest, others have created some very impressive life like artworks. Many of the artworks that have been created for walls around the city have incorporated life inspired themes to attract all sorts of viewers. The city is covered in artworks that resemble soccer players, family dinner times, animals and a much greater variety of subjects.

The city counsel has also taken to the development of such artwork in public places such as parks, town squares and even shopping malls. While it has not been proven the thinking is that using nature to beautify the city actually creates a calm atmosphere. That helps to keep the city's people calm and tranquil as well.

These artworks are fairly easy to maintain, although they do require a fair amount of work. A new industry is likely to be created where professional vertical landscapers will have the responsibility of watering and trimming the plants that are used. Many believe that this is a fantastic opportunity to create more jobs in the city.

The living walls in Stamford are indeed a fantastic addition to the city that has even created a small tourist trade. A number of hotels in the city have reportedly seen growth from visitors who have particularly come to see these fantastic gardens. Word of mouth has spread resulting in even more tourism, this will ultimately boost the economy of the city.

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